Google's Quantum Computing Breakthrough


  • Google's Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Google has achieved a major milestone in quantum computing. The company announced that its quantum processor has performed a complex calculation in minutes that would take classical supercomputers thousands of years.

  • Milestone in Error Correction (2023): Google achieved a crucial step towards building a large-scale quantum computer by demonstrating a logical qubit prototype. This reduces errors using a method called quantum error correction 

  • 70-Qubit Sycamore Processor (2023): Google developed a quantum computer with 70 qubits (quantum bits), significantly more than their previous design. This allows for more complex calculations 

  • Quantum Supremacy" Claimed (2019): Google's Sycamore processor completed a calculation in 200 seconds that would take a supercomputer 10,000 years, demonstrating potential for solving problems beyond classical computers [Google claims latest quantum breakthrough]([invalid URL removed] (tu pò) -breakthrough). However, some debate this claim as specific supercomputer configurations could potentially outperform it.